Media representatives may acquire accreditation for the celebration
"A Welcome to the Euro", which will be held in Cankarjev dom in
Ljubljana on 15 January 2007, with a special accreditation form that
has to be sent to: by 5 January 2007.
Due date for an accreditation is extended to Monday, 8 January
Media representatives are expected to collect their accreditation
badges in person by presenting a valid passport or ID at the Media
Accreditation Desk, located at the entrance of the Press Centre
(Cankarjev dom, Prešernova 10, Ljubljana, Foyer 1, level -1). This Desk will be
open on Sunday 14 January (12.00 - 20.00) and on Monday 15 January
(from 9.00).
Further information:
Mateja Malnar Štembal
Government PR and Media Office
Gregorčičeva 25
1000 Ljubljana
Tel.: +386 1 478 2597
Fax: +386 1 2512 312
Mobile: + 386 41 373 177