This website was active from February 2006 until June 2007.
Introduction of the euro in Slovenia
Euro banknotes and coins
Additional resources


Media representatives may acquire accreditation for the celebration "A Welcome to the Euro", which will be held in Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana on 15 January 2007, with a special accreditation form that has to be sent to: by 5 January 2007.

Due date for an accreditation is extended to Monday, 8 January 2007.

Media representatives are expected to collect their accreditation badges in person by presenting a valid passport or ID at the Media Accreditation Desk, located at the entrance of the Press Centre (Cankarjev dom, Prešernova 10, Ljubljana, Foyer 1, level -1). This Desk will be open on Sunday 14 January (12.00 - 20.00) and on Monday 15 January (from 9.00).

Further information:
Mateja Malnar Štembal
Government PR and Media Office
Gregorčičeva 25
1000 Ljubljana
Tel.: +386 1 478 2597
Fax: +386 1 2512 312
Mobile: + 386 41 373 177