In the jury report, the panel of judges panel headed by Simona
Rodeľ explained that the creators of the project, the Government
Communication Office and the Bank of Slovenia, had not underestimated
the predominantly positive attitude of Slovenes towards the
introduction of the euro. Cooperating with other key institutions, the
Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of the Economy, the Bank Association
of Slovenia, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Chamber of
Craft, and the Slovene Consumers' Association, they devised and led a
rational, people-oriented communication campaign, aimed at providing
as much information as possible on the new currency and on key
information about all stages of preparations for and the adoption of
the new currency.
They built on and adapted to Slovenian needs the experience of
countries that introduced the euro in 2002. They identified all key
groups that needed additional assistance, and devised a strategy that
not only provided information, but also took dialogue into
consideration, and the active inclusion of the key target publics in
the project. Creative communication tools developed for particular
segments of the public, for example, the blind, the elderly or ethnic
minorities, made it possible for messages to reach the majority of
citizens and those living across the border. The communication
campaign not only contributed to the smooth introduction of the euro,
but also strengthened the image of the country, the government,
institutions, the financial market and the open-mindedness of the
people at home and abroad.
The PRIZMA 2007 judges panel awarded the communication programme
supporting the introduction of the euro "The Euro - for All of Us" the
highest grade. The Public Relations Society of Slovenia, PRSS, awarded
Nada Serajnik Sraka of the Government Communication Office and Gordana
Pipan of the Bank of Slovenia, who submitted the entry for the PRIZMA
2007 award, a prize in the form of public relations courses to the
value of €1000, which the recipients donated to the non-governmental
humanitarian organisation Ozara Slovenija, which works in the public
interest in the field of social and health care.
Prizma is a national award for expertise conferred by the Public
Relations Society of Slovenia, PRSS, to Slovenian organisations for
excellence in communication programmes in the public relations