The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Bank of Slovenia
prepared a common informative brochure entitled "Evro pred vrati"
("The Euro on Your Doorstep"), that will in the following
days be delivered to Slovenian citizens by post. The purpose of this
last common publication is to present crucial information regarding
the immanent introduction of euro.
In the brochure citizens will be able to find key dates connected
to the introduction of the new currency; instructions where, when and
how to exchange the currencies; issues regarding the cash and credit
card payments during the introduction; which are the institutions
responsible for smooth functioning of ATMs; how the commercial banks
will operate during the holidays that coincide with the dates of the
changeover and what happens to legal contracts denominated in
Slovenian tolars after the introduction of euro. At the end an
extensive list of all information sources is given. The latter should
be consulted when in need of further information regarding the
introduction of euro.
The brochure is published in Slovenian, the two official minority
languages (Hungarian and Italian) and will also be adapted to the
needs of the blind and weak-sighted. As regards the latter, it will be
published in a cooperation with the Association of Blind and Partially
Sighted of Slovenia in bigger font size, in Braille alphabet as well
as in audio. In collaboration with the Roma association of Slovenia
the translation in Romany language is also assured.