This website was active from February 2006 until June 2007.
Introduction of the euro in Slovenia
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Presentation of the Communications Campaign Accompanying the Introduction of the Euro in Slovenia

14 November 2006

Ljubljana hosted a meeting of Directors of Communication on the euro which is aimed at coordinating communication activities between EU member states, the European System of Central Banks (ESCB), and the European Commission. It is attended by the Communications Directors of finance ministries and central banks of the EU-25, two candidate countries, representatives of the European Central Bank, and the European Commission. The DIR-COM meeting is essential for defining and implementing information and communication strategies for the euro and EMU, while also being a forum for exchanging experience and good practices. As a rule, DIR-COM meetings take place in Brussels; however, this one has been organised in Ljubljana on the occasion of Slovenia's forthcoming adoption of the new currency.

Addresses by Ms Alexandra Cas Granje of the European Commission, and the Slovenian Minister of Finance, Andrej Bajuk, were followed by a presentation of an advertising campaign headed by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Bank of Slovenia, which is part of a communication campaign on the introduction of the euro in Slovenia. Also presented were materials for informing the public, and the timeline of the changeover.

The advertising campaign entitled Že računate na evro? ("Are You Counting on the Euro?"), which began recently, is intended to supplement regular communication activities, and inform the public about three key issues, namely that:

  • the new coins are not small change, but have considerable value,
  • the new currency brings new values that will take some getting used to
  • the changeover does not mean higher prices, but that people should check prices, and the change returned, and pay attention to unfair rounding or calculating of amounts.

The media strategy includes printed, radio and TV advertisements, accompanied by web-banners, promo clips in cinemas, and Felix and Vidi postcards. Print advertisements (124) will be published in 35 national and regional newspapers and magazines; radio advertisements (784) will be aired on 16 national and regional radio stations; and TV advertisements (1,927) will feature on three TV stations. Media exposure of advertisements in percentages is thus as follows: 55 per cent broadcast on TV stations, 31 per cent published in print media, 6 per cent aired on radio stations, and 6 per cent published on the internet. The cost of the advertising campaign, which will be financed by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, the Bank of Slovenia and the European Commission, is approximately € 480,000.

Communication activities supporting the adoption of the euro have been underway since March 2006. Their objective has been to inform and educate people about the new currency, and the EMU and its rules.

The beginning of the campaign saw the launch of a special joint web site There is also a toll-free telephone line 080 2002 (The Europhone), offering a free information service related to the adoption of the euro in Slovenia.

We have also published several publications about the euro, the most important being The Euro Is Coming, published this spring in 800,000 copies and nine languages. Thanks to the Bank of Slovenia, the brochure was also adapted for people with special needs (published in Braille, with larger fonts, and as a sound recording).

In mid-December, all Slovenian households will receive a leaflet entitled Evro pred vrati ("The Euro on Your Doorstep") containing essential information and advice pertaining to the changeover and dual circulation. In order to inform the public as thoroughly as possible, we are also making use of publications by the European Commission and its delegation in Ljubljana.

All the activities of the communication campaign are run under the slogan The Euro - for all of us, which addresses the whole nation.