Price Commitment on the Euro
The experience of countries which adopted the euro in 2002 shows
that some prices surged without an apparent reason. Slovenes have also
expressed their concerns about this. The European Commission has
therefore advised Slovenia to establish a price commitment policy.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (CCIS) and the
Chamber of Craft of Slovenia have thus called on their members
(enterprises, craftspersons and traders) not to take advantage of the
euro changeover to increase the prices of their goods and
services. Both chambers advocate the view that companies should act
responsibly towards the consumers, and by refraining from price hikes
increase the trust of the general public in the euro.
Companies can also sign a statement, published on the web site of
the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and agree to observe the price
commitment policy, which, according to the CCIS, is also a good
business opportunity.
On 7 December 2006, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
approved a similar policy on price commitment, which should be
observed by all ministries, government bodies, services, and
administrative units until the end of the adoption period. The
government also advised courts and other state offices, local
communities, bearers of public authority, other public entities, and
enterprises in which the government has either a partial or
controlling share to observe the commitment until the end of the
adoption period.
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