Exchange rate: 239,640 SIT = 1 €
The irrevocable exchange rate between the tolar and the euro is
239.64 tolars to one euro. The rate was approved on 11 July 2006 by
the Eurozone finance ministers and is the same as the central parity
with which Slovenia entered the Exchange Rate Mechanism II (ERM II)
two years ago.
On 11 July 2006, the EU finance ministers also adopted the decision
to abrogate the derogation from adopting the euro (under the Accession
Treaty the new member states were given a temporary derogation from
adopting the euro until all necessary criteria for the adoption of the
euro have been met).
The irrevocable exchange rate was proposed on 28 June 2006 by the
European Commission which assessed that the tolar-euro exchange rate
has stayed close to the central rate with maximum variations of 0.1
both up and down, despite the permitted fluctuation band of ?15 per
cent. On 28 June 2006, Slovenia officially fulfilled the convergence
criteria, as two years had passed since its entry into ERM II.
On 1 January 2007, the euro will replace the tolar. All tolar sums
will be converted into euros. Slovenia is the first new member state
and the 13th EU member to adopt the euro as its currency.